News at PMT

PMT donates to animal welfare

We donate 1,000 euros to the Kulmbach und Umgebung e. V. animal welfare association.

February 20, 2024 | 7:32
A gesture that does more than a Christmas card in the bin: In a time that is often characterized by consumption and gifts, we at PMT - Premium Mounting Technologies have decided to take a different approach. Instead of sending Christmas cards or presents to our customers, which often end up unused in the bin, we want to make a tangible contribution to animals in need.

For this reason, in addition to our donation to the Geschwister-Gummi-Stiftung, we have made a further donation of 1,000 euros to the Tierschutzverein Kulmbach und Umgebung e.V. animal welfare association. "We made a conscious decision to use our resources for something that really makes a difference - the welfare of animals in need," says Jörg Weber-Schorsch, Managing Director of PMT.

Tierheim Kulmbach und Umgebung e.V. does outstanding work by not only taking in dogs, cats and small animals, but also looking after wild animals and exotics with their special needs. Their "round-the-clock service" ensures that emergencies are dealt with immediately and that the animals receive the best possible care. After all, each of the 450 or so animals that are admitted to the animal shelter every year deserves to find a safe and loving home.

"Many animal welfare organizations, like the Kulmbach animal shelter, are mainly dependent on private donations. We would like to call on many companies to support animal welfare, because every donation, every membership and every helping hand makes a difference," says Wolfgang Hein, 1st Chairman of Tierschutzverein Kulmbach und Umgebung e.V.

We at PMT are proud to make a contribution to animal welfare and hope that you will also feel inspired to do something good - be it through a donation, a membership, a sponsorship or simply through your support: Tierschutzverein Kulmbach und Umgebung e.V.
Kathrin Buchbinder
Marketing & Communication
+ 49 (0) 9225 95500 k.buchbinder@pmt.solutions contact now
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